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Welcome to the Omer Lottery!
Our rules are very simple. Tickets are $36. We have a $72 winner for each of the 49 days of the Omer. The winning number is based on the New York State Lottery Numbers evening drawing. You can pay with either PayPal or Credit Card.
Winners names will be posted daily or as soon as the sabbath or holiday ends. If the winning number is not selected there is no winner that day. Winners will be notified by email, allow 30 days to receive your check.
Counting the Omer begins on the second night of Passover Wednesday April 24th and ends on the day before Shavout Tuesday June 11th. Submissions close at Sundown Thursday April 18th.
Please only fill in the required fields marked by a red asterisk.
Selecting the submit button locks in your chosen numbers. You will be taken to the secure payment page where you can make your payment PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR TICKET NUMBER TO ENTER ON THE NEXT PAGE